Submit a Score

StageFree exists to support the live performance of our region’s music, and we’re always excited to learn more about what local composers and performers are up to!

If you’re a composer, please send us your music! Use the form below to send specific pieces or a link to your website.

 Play with Us

If you’re a performer interested in joining our general roster or in performing a specific piece on one of our concerts, please be in touch by using the form below.


StageFree is always interested in extra help! Want to lend a hand on concert days? Or how about helping us raise funds? Got a knack for writing thank you notes? We can use your skills!

If you connect with our mission and would like to be a part of what makes the organization tick, please reach out!

 Suggestion Box

What did you like about the last StageFree event you attended? What didn’t you like? What would you like to see more or less of? Want us to consider a composer or performer whose work you enjoy? Drop a suggestion in our virtual box!

 Join our Email List

Join our email list to keep up to date with everything StageFree is up to.